Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Iran reiterates need for inclusive government in Afghanistan

broad-based Afghan government

The Iranian ambassador to the UN stressed the need for the establishment of a broad-based Afghan government that would safeguard the rights of all ethnic groups and combat terrorism.

WFP announces aid for 6 million malnourished women and children in Afghanistan

malnourished women and children

The World Food Programme has announced that to reduce malnutrition in Afghanistan, they have distributed food to approximately 6 million women and children suffering from malnutrition.

I teach in secret, defying the Taliban ban and fighting despair

teach in secret

I have sent the link and I am waiting for my students to join the Zoom session. I am teaching them English. I receive a notification that my students are in the waiting room. I put a big smile, I let them in, and greet them in English.

Japan to Provide Health Aid and Ambulances to Afghanistan

health sector

The Japanese envoy to Kabul, Takayoshi Kuromiya, met with Dr. Qalandar Ebad, the Acting Minister of Public Health, on Wednesday to discuss the ongoing collaborations in the health sector.

Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan Hold Tripartite Meeting on Trans-Afghan Railway Project

Trans-Afghan Railway Project

Officials from the railway authorities of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan recently held a trilateral meeting in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Q&A: America’s 20-Year War in Afghanistan Is Over, but Some of the U.S. Military’s Waste May Last Forever

U.S. Military’s Waste

Pentagon regulations prohibit the military from cleaning up its bases once they have been vacated overseas. Journalist Lynzy Billing spent months in Afghanistan interviewing Afghans who lived and worked near three vast American installations about the war’s environmental devastation.

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association to Organize ‘London Peace Conference’

‘London Peace Conference’

The Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (ACAA) is organizing the London Peace Conference on Afghanistan in collaboration with a number of diaspora groups, activists, and international organizations to urgently call attention to the humanitarian crisis in the country.