It can start small: a peculiar numbness; a subtle facial tic; an inexplicably stiff muscle. But then time goes by — and eventually, the tremors set in. Roughly a million people in the United States (and roughly 10 million people worldwide) live with Parkinson’s disease, a potent neurological disorder that progressively kills neurons in the brain. As it does so, it can trigger a host of crippling symptoms, from violent tremors to excruciating muscle cramps, terrifying nightmares and constant brain fog. While medical treatments can alleviate some of these effects, researchers still don’t know exactly what causes the disease to occur in the first place.
Category Archives: health
In a remarkable shift, a new study has revealed that the long-standing disparity in life expectancy between men and women is gradually narrowing across the globe. This trend, driven by changing lifestyles and increased awareness of health issues, challenges the historical norm of women outliving men.
Sixty years ago, the U.S. surgeon general released a report that settled a longstanding public debate about the dangers of cigarettes and led to huge changes in smoking in America. Today, some public health experts say a similar report could help clear the air about vaping.
The billions upon billions of items of plastic waste choking our oceans, lakes, and rivers and piling up on land is more than unsightly and harmful to plants and wildlife. Plastic Pollution is a very real and growing threat to human health.
We want to challenge the misconception that tofu is boring with this simple yet delicious red lentil tofu recipe. It is really easy to make at home and requires just two ingredients: red lentils and water.
Many factors are involved when it comes to living a long and healthy life. Some factors like geneticsTrusted Source and genderTrusted Source cannot be changed. However, many other habits, such as nutrition, physical activity, reducing stress, not smoking, and proper sleep, can be modified.
Alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver is often thought of as a disease related to chronic alcohol misuse, but new research is reporting that this deadly liver illness may also be triggered by binge drinking.
Foreign women who migrated to Korea to marry Korean men showed a more than twofold chance of experiencing depression compared to Korean adult women, a government study showed, Monday.
Nearly everyone has an answer to the question ‘what’s your favorite food?.’ It’s easy to see why: humans are wired to derive pleasure from food. In fact, for many, eating ranks among the greatest pleasures in life!
The Japanese envoy to Kabul, Takayoshi Kuromiya, met with Dr. Qalandar Ebad, the Acting Minister of Public Health, on Wednesday to discuss the ongoing collaborations in the health sector.